Our History Mombacho Gold Honey

One of the defining characteristics of La Calera farm, situated in the skirt of the Mombacho Volcano, is the great variety of exotic flowers which are uncommon in other ecological systems in the neotropics. The exuberant vegetation in the area attracts a vast number of birds, insects and mammals, all of which coexist in harmony and natural balance.

Among these insects are a large variety of bees,native and adoptive in Nicaragua. One can find bees such as the castilla and meliponas bees, which produce wild honey with delicate shapes and in simbiotic relationship with the trees in the area.

It is especially incredible to see the mariolas (Tetragonisca Angustula), which are small Nicaraguan bees of 4-5 millimeters in length, floating above the opening of their hives, guarding and protecting their honey.

On one occasion, we noticed great activity amongst the melifera bees on a tree branch. Upon closer inspection, we saw the enormous amound of honey they had accumulated, sparking the idea within our family to share this delicate and delicious nectar with our fellow Nicaraguans.

This is how Mombacho Gold was came to fruition in our farm, La Calera.