Nature in its most pristine state Mombacho Gold Honey

Mombacho Gold Pure Honey is a unique gourmet experience that provides an exuberant and exotic touch when savored just by itself, or when added to beverages and desserts. Mombacho Gold has been used internationally by outstanding chefs to enhance their most cherished recipes. In the USA, Chef David Guas of Acadiana Restaurant in Washington, D.C. used Mombacho Gold to prepare his torrejas in NBC´s Today’s Kitchen program.

What makes our honey special is the variety of wild flowers from which our bees gather their raw material, as well as the natural method our family-owned company uses to bring the product to the final consumer. Our honey’s name comes from its source of origin, Mombacho Volcano Nature Reserve, a majestic mountain covered by an enchanted elfin forest. Rising towards the clouds, Mombacho is located in Granada, Nicaragua, besides the largest Neo Tropical fresh water lake, where earth’s nature diversity is at its greatest.

While most honeys are derived from only one kind of flower, ours comes from a mixture of exotic varieties that thrive on Mombacho´s permanently moist, rich soil. There, one can find all sorts of living beings, including hummingbirds, butterflies and bees, feeding on the nectar and pollen of wild orchids, heliconias, and bromeliads. Thus, the honey processed by our bees put you in contact with Nature in its more pristine state, and it brings you a piece of our Magic Mountain.

After our bees have gathered and processed the nectar from Mombacho´s wild flowers, honey is extracted in our nearby farm, Hacienda La Calera, and left to settle in specially designed containers without any additional processing. Unlike strained or filtered honey, ours contains a large presence of compounds that function as antioxidants, such as chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin. Because of honey’s relatively acidic pH level, growth of is prevented. Once our honey settles into a clear, golden colored fluid, it is bottled under our family’s supervision.

When savoring this nectar, you will enjoy this unique Mombacho Neo Tropical experience!

Leslie Lacayo - President and CEO